High Velocity Water Jet Plumbing Services

When it comes to your clogs in your plumbing, you want them removed as safely as possible to keep your family safe as well as the pipes that make up your system. At Original 49.95 Plumbing, we offer our customers high velocity water jetting services to do just that. Our team of experienced plumbers will get your pipes free and clear of clogs as well as completely clean with our high velocity water jet plumbing.

High Velocity Water Jetting is Safer

Using strong chemicals to clean your pipes isn’t the best way to get the job done. While this might get rid of clogs, it also will deteriorate the pipes that make up your plumbing system. When you call on the sewer and drain specialists at Original 49.95 Plumbing to remove any clogs with high velocity water jetting, you know that your pipes aren’t being damaged in the process. You can also eliminate the need to keep those dangerous chemicals in your home where your children and pets could be harmed by it.

High Velocity Water Jetting Cleans & Protects Against Future Drain & Sewer Problems

While chemicals and drain snakes can get rid of any clog problems, they don’t clean your pipes like water jetting does. With the help of high velocity water jetting and experienced sewer and drain technicians like the team at Original 49.95 Plumbing, we don’t only clean your pipes, but guard your pipes from future problems associated with slow drains and clogs.

High Velocity Water Jet Plumbing Services in Brooklyn, New York

Depending on the circumstances, Original 49.95 Plumbing may video your pipes. If such is the case, we can show you exactly where the blockages are that have been causing your plumbing issues and explain every step of the process to you. We want you to be well informed and feel comfortable knowing we can solve your slow or blocked drains. Call us today for more information on our water jetting or other quality drain and sewer services.

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